
Pip Install

By default, grill won’t install USD, PySide(2|6) & PyOpenGL. This is because DCC apps and other environments bundle them outside of pip. To include them, use the [full] option.

python -m pip install grill
python -m pip install grill[full]


For some DCC applications (e.g. Houdini, Maya) pip needs to run from their corresponding python interpreters:

If pip is missing, follow this guide.

hython -m pip install grill

Visit the official docs for more details.

mayapy -m pip install grill

Extra Dependencies

The following optional dependencies should be installed separately.

Conda Environment Example

For environment management, The Grill uses conda. This is a walk-through on how to start using The Grill tools with a fresh conda environment.

  1. If the conda command is not on the system yet, install miniconda.


    conda installation comes in two flavors:

  2. Launch Anaconda Prompt (it came as part of the miniconda installation).

  3. Create a new conda environment with python=3.9, for example:

    (base) C:\>conda create -n grilldemo01 python=3.9
  4. Activate that environment:

    (base) C:\>conda activate grilldemo01
  5. Install grill via pip; use the full option to use standalone. Refer to the pip install instructions for more details.

    (grilldemo01) C:\>python -m pip install grill[full]
  6. If missing, (optionally) install pygraphviz via conda:


    At the moment, installing pygraphviz can be tricky. Hopefully a simpler pip+wheel based solution comes with pygraphviz#167.

    Versions older than pip-23.3.2 may have trouble installing pygraphviz in Windows for DCCs like Maya and Houdini. If you come through this trouble, visit pygraphviz#468 and try to install with this exact particular version of pip. The below tests ran successfully with Maya-2024 and Houdini-20.0 on Windows-10 and pip-23.3.2.

    The current pip version can be extracted like so:

    python -m pip -V
    hython -m pip -V
    mayapy -m pip -V

    To update to 23.3.2, update the interpreter command to run:

    python -m pip install -U pip==23.3.2
    hython -m pip install -U pip==23.3.2
    mayapy -m pip install -U pip==23.3.2

    Replace --global-option to the correct Include and Lib paths on the system (where graphviz\cgraph.h and cgraph.lib paths exist, respectively):

    (grilldemo01) C:\>conda install --channel conda-forge pygraphviz
    (grilldemo01) C:\>python -m pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-IC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\glowdeps\Library\include" --global-option="-LC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\glowdeps\Library\lib" pygraphviz

    Replace --global-option to the correct Include and Lib paths on the system (where graphviz\cgraph.h and cgraph.lib paths exist, respectively):

    (grilldemo01) C:\>conda install --channel conda-forge pygraphviz
    (grilldemo01) C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 19.5.534\bin>hython -m pip install -vvv --use-pep517 --config-settings="--global-option=build_ext" --config-settings="--global-option=-IC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\pygraphviz310\Library\include" --config-settings="--global-option=-LC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\pygraphviz310\Library\lib" pygraphviz

    Replace --global-option to the correct Include and Lib paths on the system (where graphviz\cgraph.h and cgraph.lib paths exist, respectively) and the Maya Python include and lib paths:

    (grilldemo01) C:\>conda install --channel conda-forge pygraphviz
    (grilldemo01) C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2023\bin>mayapy -m pip install -U pip==23.3.2
    (grilldemo01) C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2023\bin>mayapy -m pip install -vvv --use-pep517 --config-settings="--global-option=build_ext" --config-settings="--global-option=-IC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\pygraphviz310\Library\include;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\include\Python39\Python" --config-settings="--global-option=-LC:\Users\Christian\.conda\envs\pygraphviz310\Library\lib;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\lib" pygraphviz
  7. You should be able to see the 👨‍🍳 Grill menu in USDView, Maya and Houdini*.



    To see the menu in Houdini, run this additional step (which installs the grill houdini package on the Houdini’s user preferences):

    hython -c "from grill.__startup__ import houdini;houdini.install_package()"

    The manual execution of this step might be removed in the future.